Advantages of Closed Loop Geothermal System
with vertically placement of Geo-exchanger

« Apartment buildings - Public Buildings - Residences without available area»

A Closed Loop Geothermal System with Vertically placement of Geo-exchanger has the following main characteristics:
Does not require free space (place even within the urban fabric)
Energy saving up to 75%
Reduces the required installed power and therefore the size-area of the Photovoltaic system (solar)
No regular maintenance required
Twice the lifespan compared to Air Source Heat Pump
Silent Mode
Does not burn (unpleasant odors - cleanliness - possibility of fire)

Improves the aesthetics of the building (no units with fans, pipes, cables)
Does not require free space (place even within the urban fabric)
Energy saving up to 75%
Reduces the required installed power and therefore the size-area of the Photovoltaic system (solar)
No regular maintenance required
Twice the lifespan compared to Air Source Heat Pump
Silent Mode
Does not burn (unpleasant odors - cleanliness - possibility of fire)
Improves the aesthetics of the building (no units with fans, pipes, cables)
Our company recommends Closed Loop Vertical Geothermal systems in the following property categories:
Apartment buildings for the following reasons:
The total installation cost is shared among the owners and thus the final cost is too low for each owner
Payback Period (5-7 years)
Public Buildings for the following reasons:
It can be included in energy upgrading actions gathering more possibilities for access to financing
Payback Period (5-7 years)
Residences without available area and bigger than 160 m2 for the following reasons:
There is no free area for horizontal placement of the Geo-exchanger
Payback Period (10-15 years)
Hotels away from the coastline for the following reasons:
Not required aquifer as in the case of open Loop Geothermal systems
It can be included in energy upgrading actions gathering more possibilities for access to financing
Payback Period (7-10 years)