Advantages of Open loop Geothermal Systems

« Hotels in seaside areas»

Our company recommends Open Loop Geothermal systems in seaside Hotels as well as in industrial facilities for the following reasons:
Does not require free space
Does not require free space
Energy saving up to 75%
Energy saving up to 75%
Reduces the required installed power and therefore the size-area of the Photovoltaic system (solar).
Can be combined in desalination units (reducing the energy cost of desalination by increasing the water temperature during cooling).
Can be combined in desalination units (reducing the energy cost of desalination by increasing the water temperature during cooling).
Maintenance required (depends on water-chemistry)
Twice the lifespan compared to Air Source Heat Pump
Silent Mode
Does not burn (unpleasant odors - cleanliness - possibility of fire)
Improves the aesthetics of the building (no units with fans, pipes, cables)
Does not require free space
Can use sea water
Energy saving up to 75%
Payback Period (4-6 years)
Reduces the required installed power and therefore the size-area of the Photovoltaic system (solar)
Can be combined in desalination units (reducing the energy cost of desalination by increasing the water temperature during cooling)
It can contribute to the production of domestic hot water as well as to the heating of the swimming pool as a supporting system through heat recovery
Maintenance required (depends on water-chemistry)
Twice the lifespan compared to Air Source Heat Pump
Silent Mode
Does not burn (unpleasant odors - cleanliness - possibility of fire)
Improves the aesthetics of the building (no units with fans, pipes, cables)